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my REAL wall - Postcards from us

text for your postThis is our final REAL wall for a while as Elena and I are going travelling. We've given up our jobs, sold everything we own and have put your postcards in storage. I've taken the address down for contributions to my REAL wall and want to thank everyone who's contributed over the years for all your excellent post.

So, with no fixed address, no income and a postcard and blogging habit to sustain, what's next?

I've set up our new travelling and postcard blog at and will be selling postcards from us from wherever we go in the world! Get yourself over there and pick up a postcard from wherever in the world we are now!


my REAL wall - Postcards from us

This is our final REAL wall for a while as Elena and I are going travelling. We've given up our jobs, sold everything we own and have put your postcards in storage. I've taken the address down for contributions to my REAL wall and want to thank everyone who's contributed over the years for all your excellent post.

So, with no fixed address, no income and a postcard and blogging habit to sustain, what's next?

I've set up our new travelling and postcard blog at and will be selling postcards from us from wherever we go in the world! Get yourself over there and pick up a postcard from wherever in the world we are now!


my REAL wall photobooth edition

I met an old university friend this weekend who I haven't seen for a few years and we went out to the South Bank to catch up on old times.

I knew I had some postcards to put up on my REAL wall, so they came with me, and we went to the Festival of the World exhibition, which was running at the Royal Festival Hall.

They have a really cool little machine there, like a retro 4 photograph passport photo machine, but inside it's got a digital camera and it prints the 4 photos really quickly.

Anyway, they have this machine and a wall with plastic photo pockets, where people would put their photos after they were taken. The machine is free to use and the wall is rammed with photos, it's great.

I realised that we could make an artwork within an artwork with this, so me and Dave grabbed your post and sat in the machine passing post to each other to make this one - it was great fun!

Can you spot yours on here?


REAL to Real

Earlier this week I heard about a new social network that really tickled me. Called Real, the physical network, this new social network can be found at

So what makes it different from other social networks, you may be wondering. Well Real is a project sponsored by Royal Mail which gives a select few people some wall space in a premium location in London. All that the people have to do is send in Real part to fill that wall space.

It's a real wall to be filled with real post. Sound familiar?

Anyway, i'm not bitter, even about the bit where they say they're the first social network as I applaud any effort to connect people, especially using post, and i'm throwing my full story behind the project.

I've been given a plot to fill, plot 45, and the lovely full at Real have sent me a welcome pack, complete with lots odd awesome pre-paid envelopes. I have some ideas and will probably ask for your help to full my plot, so watch this space!

I'll get started on my first pieces for the plot tonight. In the meantime, I decided to take all the part out into the real world, so here is the contents of my inbox on the tube between Hammersmith and Goldhawk Road. I think it all looks very happy there.

if you want to help new full btu plot and show London what postal social networking is really all about, drop me a line!


British Summer Time arrives on my REAL wall 2012

I'm not great with winter and this winter seems o have dragged on right the way through spring. not really sure that my little Vietnamese body is really built for this sort of thing.

Today the clocks finally went forward and I dared to venture outside, where I put up the first outdoor REAL wall since getting here to Kingston. And what a wall it is!

If you look closely enough you'll see contributions from some established mailart legends like JJAltheway, with her final piece from mailart 365! What an adventure it's been JJ! I too feel kinda gutted that you're not posting everyday and I can only imagine the sense of emptiness (I'm still stuck on 140/365) There's a Valentines day card from Laura Podob and Mrs Thundercat appears on there all the way from Holland too.

As well as the established mailartists, there is also one piece I'm REALLY proud of, and that's the very first appearance of a new mailartist called Stripeygoose, who is now on #25/365 over at mailart 365. The reason I'm really proud of this particular artist is because I work with her and we've worked together on all sorts of projects. There's her work in the bottom right had corner, reminiscing of Wimbledons Big Draw. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that Stripeygoose had signed up for MA365, and am still reeling that, 3 years on my REAL wall still inspires new artists to make and send post!

The sun is shining in Kingston and I'm smiling broadly :-D