A REAL wall displaying REAL posts by REAL people
I got fed up of posts on my facebook wall, so I thought I'd close my facebook account and get back to my blogging roots so I set this site up to receive REAL post. From REAL people. Any post sent to me will be put up here and photographed every day until new mail comes in. Don't forget to click on each photo to go through to it's flickr page where you will find full annotations.
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My REAL wall - July 16, 2009 - friends and cruds
Since I met my girlfriend Elena, my REAL wall has been slowly metamorphosising. You may have noticed it developing if you're a regular viewer, as my cruds have gradually become less and less a feature of the site.
The reason for this is because when I was single, like all single men, I kept my cruds and socks until they fell apart. Apparently this sort of conservation of underwear is not acceptable in a relationship, and Elena has been systematically weeding my undercracker store until this weekend I had so few left I had to go and buy some new ones.
Here's my new improved crud and sock drawer, now showing the neat organisation system that she implemented too.
Under the thumb perhaps but absolutely loving it, and I must confess these new cruds aren't as bad as I thought they would be...
Today's mailbox contained only post from friends I know in REAL life, which is a nice feeling. The pig postcard comes from Stew and Alex and the other postcards from a "mystery" friend in the South West.

my REAL wall - July 13, 2009 - On the tube between Goldhawk Road and

my REAL wall - July 13, 2009 - On the tube between Goldhawk Road and Wood Lane, originally uploaded by andytgeezer.
An all new postcard wall featuring only new stuff from the week sent in by you.
Notable additions include Romanian postcards from Mircea, #mailart from @mikesorgatz, and @buffaokid, some awesome postcrossings and a gem from shivablack

my REAL wall - July 7, 2009 - More #mailart and #postcrossing fun

my REAL wall - July 7, 2009 - More #mailart and #postcrossing fun, originally uploaded by andytgeezer.
Includes new postcards from @matwater213 and @alexiskmanheim and also first post from @studioNartist

my REAL wall - July 7, 2009 - Retake for Lizo18
I felt a bit guilty about not shooting @liz018's piece after this tweet so I thought I'd shoot it again

my REAL wall - July 7, 2009 - Wall removal
I moved all my furniture around last weekend so that I could use a larger, more vertical wall to display your post. This one has a bookshelf underneath it so you won't get so much of an eyeful of my cruds, mainly because these days with a girlfriend I figure that Elena probably doesn't REAAAALLY want her knickers on display. Who said romance is dead...

my REAL wall - June 30, 2009 - Wood house at Barbican centre
My 5th REAL wall of the day, showing your stuff on a wall of a wooden house built in the forecourt of the Barbican Centre

my REAL wall - June 30, 2009 - Barbican Conservatory
There was a private party being held in the Barbican's conservatory when me and Elena arrived and they wouldn't let us in.
So we decided to slip in a back door and put up a REAL wall of your postcards on a tree when they weren't looking!
Yay! for mischief and his fab girlfriend!
Apologies for the blur, had to be done in a rush before they kicked us out!

my REAL wall - June 30, 2009 - Postcards and the kitchen sink
I received 10 postcards today and decided that there were enough to make a nice collage around my kitchen. Yummy.
1. #mailart from @Tmccool received June 30, 2009, 2. #mailart from @liz018 received June 30, 2009, 3. Completely blank from anonymous, 4. Received from Rebecca of (y)our sky, 5. Postcrossing recieved from Frog, Hungary, 6. Cup of coffee sent from China to Elena, 7. Postcrossing from Mina, Germany, 8. Postcrossing postcards from Taiwan and Japan sent to Elena, 9. Postcrossing postcards from Taiwan sent to Elena, 10. Postcard from El Paso, Texas, 11. From csgpinto from Portugal, 12. Sent to Elena, 13. Postcrossing from Aramintha

my REAL wall - June 30, 2009 - All new stuff on my fridge
I couldn't believe it - I came home to find 10 new bits of mail in the post today! Here is all your mail sent to me and Elena.
I never thought that I would ever be able to fill my REAL wall up with all new stuff in a single day!