my REAL wall - 27 July 2010
Elena recently came to the end of her contract at the school and to thank her for a years work she got loads and loads of cards.
I got fed up of posts on my facebook wall, so I thought I'd close my facebook account and get back to my blogging roots so I set this site up to receive REAL post. From REAL people. Any post sent to me will be put up here and photographed every day until new mail comes in. Don't forget to click on each photo to go through to it's flickr page where you will find full annotations.
Elena recently came to the end of her contract at the school and to thank her for a years work she got loads and loads of cards.
Finally, I get a little breathing space in amongst all the work and exhibitions I've been doing lately.
Here are the latest gems, including the long-awaited The Intercostal from Gareth.
As you can see, Elena is collecting vouchers to see Sex and the City. Not because she has any interest in the folm but cos it's free. You need 4 vouchers for a ticket, but I keep slipping one in the bin when we get to 3. I can't bear the thought of having to waste 90 minutes of my life watching that shit.
I'll start sending post again this month, as I've got some time in my schedule, so watch your mailboxes and thanks to everyone for all your great post!