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my REAL wall - mini-Andy returns

Behold! It's the return of mini-Andy!

This cute remake of the mini-Adventurer was done by Okadascat, our favourite yarnbombing mailartist. mini-Andy 2.0 has already had his first adventure, to the O2 arena in Greenwich, and is going to go on our honeymoon with us, then he's all yours! The new mini-Andy is now safe to travel on his own, and if you want to take him on an adventure, then just drop a comment somewhere and make your case!

Also on my REAL wall today is a new mailartist I encountered on Twitter, called Kiyotei, who produces some very awesome stuff!

Already the wedding mailart is coming in, and you can see the 4 piece commemorative skeleton piece from Camel there in the centre. More 365 pieces from Dewi, Sue Bowen and I'm a superhero and can like fly and shit, and a welcome return to the wall for Felicity Lingle and Rejin Leys!

Big thanks to Robert Graham too, who I think is set to become a regular fixture on my REAL wall.

The excellent watercolour (?) lady in bikini is by Jenny England from Australia. It's really stunning and I believe it's a first appearance for this artist on the wall.

Also, if you're watching, could whoever it was who sent the piece in the bottom left hand corner come out and say so please! No return address it's a mystery!


Box 652's REAL wall - 11 March 2011

This came in from Sue from Box652 today. Sue is an active mailart365er, and REAL wall fan.

Here's what she has to say

My REAL wall as of today. Going to refresh it with the 'objects-in-waiting' so I'll have a different real WALL tomorrow. Virtual living is loveliness. Thanks to all of you who sent things. Some are on this episode. Some in the queue. I need a bigger wall... :-)

[Andy - I love the graffiti!]


my REAL wall - E is for Elena

EEEEEEEK! It's a skull invasion! The contents of Prosthet's Pacman envelope is spilling all over the wall, sending skulls rampaging all over the place.

It's lovely to see some more mailart from B, the Snailmailer, whose artistic and postal experimentation started as a result of my REAL wall. Do visit her blog, it's quite a fascinating place!

Sue Bowen - your post arrived! So did your second one! Check it out on the right of the wall under Prettylily's cyclops!

As you can see, alphabet month turned up a lot of good stuff on E-day for Elena. It's so lovely to see that she is inspiring so many people with her quilling


MA Arts Mailart workshop March 1, 2011

I was asked to do a mailart workshop with the Masters Art Education students, at the university that I work at, most of whom were teachers.

Before the session, the students put a selection of my mailart up on the wall, then I done a little talk about how the mailart got to me and what mailart is. I explained how using mailart in the classroom allowed students to create artwork without fear of criticism from those around them.

MA Arts Mailart workshop March 1 2011 (4)

The students were asked to take a postcard down from the wall that appealed to them, then to create their own piece of mailart which they were to send back. This allowed students to create their first piece of mailart, and illustrated that mailart was art without a context of the artist.

After they created their artworks, the students presented their art to the rest of the class, explaining why they had chosen the pieces they did and explained their responses.

MA Arts Mailart workshop March 1 2011 (7)

As an extension to this lesson, the students were asked to make a piece of mailart about themselves. This is to be sent to their tutor, without their name on it. The idea is to allow them total freedom of expression. The tutor will then put up their received artwork in the next lesson and the students will be able to view the shows without revealing their identity.

Personally, I didn't like presenting artwork at school in front of my peers. The idea of remaining anonymous but being able to listen to peoples comments on my artwork without them knowing that I made it would have made me much more open to listening. The commentary that I expect to come out would be about the art and not about me as a person.

MA Arts Mailart workshop March 1 2011 (3)

I look forward to seeing what the students produce and will post the results up here when I get the chance (and if I get the consent)


my REAL wall - Greek Bin invasion!

The main component on today's wall is from Greek mailartist, Katerina Nikoltsou, who has been avidly photographing the buildup of rubbish in Thesaloniki, where she lives. Since the global financial crash, bins have been overflowing in the streets and some of her Little Big Stories present these pictures in a way that gets past all your defences.

The adventures of Ben the bin and Bev put a twist on the bin photos with the simple addition of expressive faces and captions that are hilarious. But underlying the humour is a sad tale that in fact, the greed of our bankers has left a country in ruins. Genius.

Benjamin Shaw has sent a package of his new envelopes - you can see the first one on the bottom row. The other 9 in his new series will be up on display shortly, or you can check out his site and see them even earlier!