my REAL wall 27 April 2011
After a month away, we've come back to a pile of mailart about 3 inches high and lots of emails and other virtual stuff to catch up on.
Todays wall was really daunting to make as there was just so much to do! But once I got started it was great fun as always.
We got some lovely congratulations cards and welcome home post. Thanks Paula for such a warm sentiment on our return and it was great to come home to some Mim too.
Mim came over from Richmond, VA for our wedding and stood by this very wall about a month ago. It was such a pleasure to have one of our mailart friends come over and see the wall and she even repaired one of her earlier mailart pieces while she was here! I have to say it was such an honour for both of us to meet the other - we were mutually star struck! Hopefully, we'll be heading over to the US in the near future to return the visit.
Also on the wall are some new faces, including Cara, who loves dancing. Check out her Etsy shop, she's got some great block prints.
Thanks to Jessica from Canada for the Where's Waldo (we call him Wally here) and your little bit of Canadian charm ;-) and to Gabby for your random dog.
Scott, I would have loved to see some of your kids work on the wall, and I'll get the contents of the envelope out next time.
Prettylily, you may have received our postcard to you from Vietnam by now. If so, do tell us we love to know about these things!
Stephanie Blake from IUOMA created a wonderful piece from squares that were sewed together. I think this is the first piece I've got from Stephanie but it looks awesome!
Thanks to everyone as always for sending and keep your eyes on the site for more soon, there's still a lot more to come!