

my REAL wall - World Toilet Day 2009

It's November 19, 2009 and we all know what that means don't you?

Today is WORLD TOILET DAY! World Toilet day is organised by the World Toilet Organisiation, which is is a global non- profit organization committed to improving toilet and sanitation conditions worldwide.

Apparently poor sanitation kills 1.8 million people a year, so the organisation aims to raise awareness of the importance of this sort of thing, so why not go through to their site and then consider yourself aware.

That was one free plug, and I'll try and keep free plugs to charities on my REAL wall. As you all know this is a non-profit organisation!

Another plug I want to put in today is for The Plains Art Museum in North Dakota, who sent me and Elena a pair of free tickets and a load of postcards in thanks for the REAL inspiration that my REAL wall has given them for a mailart gallery. Personally I can't wait to see what the dudes at the museum come up with, and I love the idea that people may have a public gallery for their mailart, so I'm dead proud of myself. Hopefully I'll get to use these tickets one day (just as soon as a big airline picks up on my REAL wall and decide to nick it as well...)

Oh by the way if you look really closely, you'll see a piece by a great new mailartist I discovered on IUOMA the other day from Korea called Cross Ryu. I believe she uses Indian Ink to create the most fantastic colours in her art and visiting her Pics on IUOMA sent shivers up my spine. Here's onoe to watch in future I would say!

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