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my REAL wall - Mailart inspiration

One of the best things about running my REAL wall for the last 2 years has been inspiring a whole lot of people I have never met to make art. I find it amazing that my little project, that started off as a little joke to amuse myself actually gets people to pick up a pencil and draw something.

Even more exciting lately, is how this year, after reactivating my facebook account and feeding my flickr feed in, some people I have actually met are starting to create mailart too. With the relentless barrage of mailart feeds that they get, I think my friends are starting to get the idea that facebook wall posts don't cut it for me any more! So this year I've started seeing mailart from people I know in my mailbox! What a rush!

The big envelope in the middle right is from a friend Jen, who travels the world as a perennial nomad. She always sends postcards from wherever she goes, and regular viewers of my REAL wall will no doubt have seen a piece from her.

She decided to pick up the pencils this time and pimped up the envelope, which made me really happy! We've only met once, as she is the girlfriend of a friend of mine, and we met when they passed through London last, but I was so pleased that my REAL wall has brought the artist out of her!

I wonder what that is escaping from Prosthet's Pacman envelope...?


my REAL wall hosts Little Big Stories and Mailart 365 pieces

ON the bottom row is a great envelope of envelopes from Down Under. I'll open it soon, the packaging is GREAT!

Thanks to Gabby, Robert, Heavenly Love, and all of you who contributed to this one. There are contributions sourced from Mailart 365, Postcrossing, IUOMA and the Little Big Stories show all coming together in one place. Where else would you find so much talent in one place I sometimes wonder


my REAL wall - Stories and news

Where else does a letter from the Editor of the Evening Standard find a home beside the worlds foremost mailartists? Only here on my REAL wall!

More Little Big Stories up today, thanks to Lindenhoff, Ptriza, Spodob and others, and a pimped photo from Okami too.


Twitter Art Exhibit in Moss, Norway

At the end of 2010, a little phenomenon happened on Twitter. Every artist I follow was suddenly tweeting with the hashtag #twitterartexhibition and saying that they were sending a piece to a guy called David Sandum.

I went on over to his site to see what the buzz was about, and saw that he was running a very cool mailart project requesting postcards for a show at his local library in Moss in Norway. He stated that he intended to sell as many pieces after the show in order to raise money to buy childrens books for the library.

Mailart and a good cause - I couldn't resist!

Twitter Art Exhibit closeup

I sent in The Haunted Ballerina (Back), which i'm still really proud of.

My piece sold last month, for something like £17, which can buy a book or two.

Today, David posted pics of the pieces on the wall at the show. You can see The Haunted Ballerina in the first column, 3rd down.

Check out the rest of the pics of the show at Davids site


my REAL wall - February 23, 2011

Plenty more Little Big Stories submitted for the Westminster Libraries/my REAL wall mailart call. The deadline is March 11, 2011, so please get your postcard pieces in soon!


my REAL wall - More Little Big Stories

Check out the latest Little Big Stories from TicTac, Rebecca Guyver, A1 Mailart archive and others!


your REAL wall by Mim4art, 20 Feb 2011

Mim, one of the leading lights of Mailart365 has ut up another REAL wall while procrastinating on the letter S


The first of the Little Big Stories lands on my REAL wall

As well as the awesome Puzzleposta from Ahmet Demir, the regular mailart is joined by the first of the Little Big Story submissions for the Pimlico mailart show. No point keeping them in a box until the End of March is there!

The awesome superhero card is by Peter Tran, Mim4art's piece is below that and the very first piece received is by Conor Donegan. "Through the Looking Glass" comes from Cathy Bayless in California and "Groucho Marx goes for a walk" comes from Darryl Cunningham

Also on the wall are some gems from Mailart 365 friends Dewi, Box 652, L-plate Big Cheese and Farstarr

If you want to see the other pieces received so far for Little Big Stories they are on the Little Big Stories page


Little Big Stories - A mailart call by my REAL wall and Westminster libraries

Can you tell a story in words and pictures and fit it on a postcard? If so we want to see your stories!

As part of the graphic novel season at Westminster libraries, we are holding a mailart show at Pimlico library, where we want to display postcard sized stories from YOU!

All of your "Little Big Stories" will go on display in Pimlico library in London for 2 weeks.

Full details can be found at The Westminster Libraries Blog. The deadline is March 11, 2011 and to submit work, just send your pieces to

Graphic Novel Mail Art Show
Westminster Libraries
c/o my REAL wall
PO Box 63138
W14 4BR
United Kingdom

Mailart Martha Envelope

All pictures of the show and build up will be uploaded and displayed on this page

Thanks to everyone for participating!

As pieces are received, I'll add them to the list on this page

Why not drop a comment below, or at the original post if you intend to send a piece!


my REAL wall - A blast from the past

It's been just over 2 years since my REAL wall started, as nothing more than a blank wall above my clothes drying radiator in a small room I lived in on the other side of Shepherds Bush.

2 years on, I wanted to recreate the "glory" days and so I hung some cruds and socks up on my new radiator and put my received postcards up. It's just like the old days.

Ahhh that brings me back....


your REAL desk by Noah Scalin of Skulladay

Noah Scalin, creator of Skulladay recently received a quilled skull from Elena.

Today, I was meandering through Noah's Twitter and noticed that his desk had been featured on When I realised that his wall was also included, I scoured the wall for a sight of a piece from me or Elena and lo and behold, Elena's quilled skull is second row up, just above that green postcard!

So a sly appearance of a REAL wall on another site courtesy of Elena and Noah, tag-teaming across continents!

Thanks to Kate from and to Noah for the pic. Check out the desks of other cool people at and kick off your 365 in style with


my REAL wall - 14 Feb 2011

my REAL wall - 14 Feb 2011, originally uploaded by andytgeezer.

Most times, it's obvious when I'm home alone, and Elena is out because on those days I tend to go into REAL wall overdrive to try and forget that she's away.

Tonight, sadly Elena has to work, and I've made a little smiley face out of mailart to try and cheer myself up. She was also out yesterday, which is why we had no commemorative 2 year anniversary wall, as yesterday marks the 2nd year of this postcard-sticking madness!

Todays collection of mailart inspiration comes from JJAlltheway, Riaviewmirror, Spodob and Farmageddon among others!

Thanks as always to Ivan and Jen for keeping me posted from their neverending world trip

The postcard with the trumpeter on it had a link to this site - I had heard of the art machine before, where people put art in and other people buy the art like a vending machine. It's a great idea and I would love to see one. Has any of you ever come across one of these?


your REAL wall from Gabby Cooksey #2

This is the second wall from Gabby, who swaps loads of cool letters with her mum! There's my "St. Aldates Reimgined". Gabby says

I recently got  a LOT of mailart this week and I put it all up. even though a third of it is from my mum, ha :D
Gabby Cooksey


my REAL wall 07 Feb 2011 - Affirmative action!

In with your postcards and mailart this week is a letter from the editor of London's Evening Standard. I sent a collage to the editor asking them to write more happy articles.

Today I received a reply on an Evening Standard notecard, promising to try to write more happy articles! How cool!

Where else in the world would you find letters from the editor of London's most widely circulated evening paper alongside postcards from London talk show DJs and the worlds very best mailartists! There are zentangles, seductive ladies, swirlies, heads and every other piece of imaginable art this week!

Thanks to all for your continued enthusiasm!


my REAL wall - 01 Feb 2011

my REAL wall - 01 Feb 2011, originally uploaded by andytgeezer.

One more birthday card on there, as I went to Vietnamese Karaoke this weekend and got a card and a book from Alina, Elena's best friend. To be honest, I'm not sure what to do with the book, as I don't read much. Thinking of collaging it, unless anyone else reads Clive Cussler? I'm quite happy to drop it in the post if it will find a good home. I also hope that she doesn't tune in too regularly to this blog...

B, I am loving the development of your art style! I feel so priveleged that I'm getting to watch it unfolding before me. Keep it up!

Whoop! 2 weeks in a row with mailart from Rachel Freeman! How lucky are we here at my REAL wall! I'm a huge not-so-secret admirer of her work!


your REAL wall by mim4art - 01 Feb 2011

Mim has been a supporter of my REAL wall for a long time, sending her first REAL wall back in August 2009.

One of the first members of mailart365, Mim's output is prolific, to the point that I measure what number I'm supposed to be on by what number she's on (which usually has a suffix after it, like 63a, 63b, 63c as she is doing mailart1000 it seems!)

Here's Mim's latest REAL wall, covered with mailart365 gems, including one of Elena's quilled pieces, Spring Blossom. In amongst all those, I can spot a Katerina Nikoltsou, Red Letter Day, Dewi and many other superstars of mailart!

If you're on flickr, tag your work with a note


your REAL wall from Gabby Cooksey

Another active mailart365 member, Gabby Cooksey is a freshman at art college. There's my St. Aldates reimagined on her wall alongside some more mailart365! I love the fact that there are so many more happy mailboxes as a result of the project.