The REAL wall is in Nazare, where there was sunshine just before Christmas! (distance from postcard send = 15,015ish km)
Nazare is probably the largest resort in my vicinity, a traditional
fishing port where the local women still wear fantastic "fish wife"
costume. Andy – there's a postcard on the way to you now explaining
exactly what this looks like so keep your eyes peeled!!
The best thing about this place: despite it becoming pretty commercial
as a tourist resort, the locals are as sweet and good natured as ever.
It is simply impossible to buy something in a shop, at the market or
on the street without them insisting you take a bunch of stuff for
Heather's postcard of Hilary's Boat Harbour in Australia complements
the beach. She writes: "friends of ours got married there; they cut
the cake in front of a giant photo of a shark lunging out of the water
– so romantic huh". What a fantastic gesture, I shall be suggesting
this to my friends getting married next year (will they still have me
as bridesmaid I wonder).
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