The REAL wall in Riverside, CA and Burinhosa, Alcobaca (distance from postcard send: 9,153ish km)
Yesterday morning, just after a rain-shower, I was keen on capturing
the bright light through the medium of the local cemeterio. So, here
we are, complete with a photo of a cemetery in Riverside, CA from a
currently unidentified sender, no names appear on the back of the
photo (Andy – perhaps you know who this was sent by?)
the bright light through the medium of the local cemeterio. So, here
we are, complete with a photo of a cemetery in Riverside, CA from a
currently unidentified sender, no names appear on the back of the
photo (Andy – perhaps you know who this was sent by?)
Quick sharp post from L-platebigcheese
This one was from Farrah who sent a series of photos as part of a swap on swap-bot in which you swapped photos that you have too many of and no use for. Farrah labelled up each one. The best one was the one of the flamingoes, though i'm not sure you took that one with you.
By the way L-plate, I just realised that this was the 150th post on my REAL wall!
I think this entitles you to some sort of prize...
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