my REAL wall - 6 September 2010
Some lovely pieces in this week from some of my regular contributors and a few mysteries in to keep things interesting too.
The beautiful green cat comes from REAL wall regular Okadascat. Being that she is such a great knitter, I sometimes forget she also does mailart so receiving her customary green envelope with spider and cat stamps on it I was pleasantly surprised to see a postcard emerge.
The cool manga-type one is promoting Singapore's 2010 Youth Olympics, and comes from another REAl wall regular Ammy, who is a prolific Postcrosser.
The large one with the Sudokus and Eurythmics lyrics is a mystery. It comes from the Netherlands, so I suspected it was Jelmer, especially as it's huge. Apparently it's not though, and there is no return address, so I'm scratching my head. Anyone admit to this?
The tickets to the theatre were free from the Lyric in Hammersmith, on the local residents free tickets scheme. Bargain!
please make or let make sudoku and register card!
oh wow! Is it a postcrossing ID?! I'm gonna do the sudoku this weekend if it is! That is SO cool!
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